Ciao, touring has been crazy in the last weeks so I didnt update that much, but I wanted to write something about the craziest place I’ve seen on the road: Montezuma Castle.

The Castle
Of course I didn’t play here. I had a day off before my show in Phoenix, Arizona: promoter/dj Mara offered me to go around for adventures and see these native ruins - (thank you and Jessie for the pictures too!) The Castle is one of the most famous cliff-dwelling in North America, was built by a Pre-Columbian people called Sinagua (without water) who built it around 700 A.D. It actually is a Castel INSIDE the mountain, made of 20 rooms located in different levels. How could they do that, such a longtime ago? I don’t know.

Montezuma Well
This is Montezuma Well, a natural limestone sink fed by artesian spring, Its huge. The Sinagua people of course used it to irrigate their crops with its water, and part of the original Sinagua canal is still in use today. Also apparently this place is home to species of animals found nowhere else on this planet.

The Sink
I also got the chance to see some petroglyphs in beatiful Sedona area. These petroglyphs worked like a calendar for natives… and still look dope!

Sedona Petroglyphs
I’ve collected other pictures from touring, more stuff coming soon!